2 Nephi 22: 2,3

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation. Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011 Welcome to Pirajussara

Hey Everyone,

Well I was right about the transfer :P I was sent to Pirajussara in Zona Campo Limpo. It´s a lot closer to the city and has pretty much everything; bank, post office, restaurants, etc. It´s a really big area but I´ve always had huge areas so it´ll be easy to manage, just need to plan smart. This zone has been having really low numbers the past few months and the missionaries here are a little dis-animated so we´re going to get them pumped up and ready to baptize!

My new companion is Elder Arnaud de Souza. He is so awesome! We are getting along really well and have tons of ideas to bring some life back to Campo Limpo. We´re going to make a zone newsletter called O Ceifador (the Harvester) because Campo Limpo means clean field. Clever right? It was my idea. haha! We´ve got some activities planned too. Elder Arnaud is really creative so we´re going to work well together.

We are going to baptize a family this week! Priscila is the mother of Rafael and Rafaela and they are incredible! We already knew they had a problem with coffee so I was kind of nervous to teach the word of wisdom. When we said they couldn´t drink it anymore they all let out a groan and said, "Tchau cafe!" It was awesome. They are going to dive into the baptismal font.

We are also teaching a complicated family. The mother is super catholic, the dad isn´t interested, the son doesn´t care, and the daughter is atheist. Why they continue to accept our visits I don´t know. Last time we started talking about authority and without directly saying it, we said the pope is a false prophet. Yeah, they didn´t like that. haha! They went on vacation so we´ll see how they are doing when they get back.

We are working on building our teaching group right now so we´re knocking a lot of doors. We found an awesome new man named João Batista (John the Baptist). We taught him on Saturday and he went to church on Sunday and has already told us he wants to join the church. We haven´t even taught the Restoration yet! We are going to baptize the baptist!

Another woman named Selia was studying for a college test so we had to do a really quick intro to the message and a short prayer and she started to cry during the prayer. It wasn´t even an incredible prayer and she still started to cry! I think she knows that we´ve got the power. haha!

Anyway, since I´m still getting used to the area so I don´t have a ton to say. If anyone has question please send them my way through email or letter. I´d love to hear from all my people back home.

We´re going to the temple this week so we don´t have lunch marked today. We´re going to eat at Habib´s! It´s a middle eastern fast food place! It´s so good! haha!

Elder MacLane Taggart

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